Friday, February 8, 2008





That any question relating to religion is stupid. I hate it when you try to ask somebody something and they'll go
"hah? Hang tak tau ke? Laaaaa.... *goes on blabbing about how ridiculous you sound for asking something honestly*"
Seriously, any serious question should be answered seriously. I know how we were taught all this in primary school all the way till now, but like, come on. We were 7 and 8. We didn't care at the time, we just followed. Now that we're growing up we start to want to understand more, and only now do we really take notice. We're trying to build our lives here people, set our principles and stuff. So when we have questions, try your best to answer.

However ridiculous the question is, if it sounds serious and honest, answer it! If you continue to ejek, don't you know how bad you look? Soon the person would just get embarrassed, forget about it, never trying to ask again, NEVER trying to UNDERSTAND IT FULLY, then screw up in the future. You just know that it's partly your fault.

You CAN make a difference.

So anyway, on a slightly similiar topic (if you can't see the connection, then it's just me lol) i've only just remembered my myspace chatroom going days last year. I have one thing to say about our country (Malaysia)'s room.

It sucks.

We as Malaysians...goodness. REALLY. Just because it says MALAYSIA on it doesn't mean non-malaysians can't come in. What is it with you people? THEY WANT TO LEARN ABOUT OUR CULTURE, GROW UP. So what if they're talking in English? You can understand what they're saying can't you? You've got more than 6 years of education where English plays a major role in your studies (or minor, depends how old you are). It's okay if it's broken english, it doesn't matter. THEY, they who live in other countries have NEVER LEARNED BM. Some have never even heard of the language. So why not make yourselves useful and help them learn our culture? Our language? Help the country, make us proud. Tell them of our achievements, our beautiful landscapes, our humble people.

But no, you choose to discriminate. Send them to exile. AND the person who's helping them. All you people do all day is try to pick up girls anyway, how old are you, 20+? You try to mengorat girls who are like..13! PEDOPHILE MUCH? Oh and when we tegur you, what do you do? Marah. Get angry, maki whatever. Such childish behaviour I wish I was there to kick your face off. I tried helping this guy who wanted to know more about Malaysia, but he couldn't speak in Malay. So naturally I spoke in English to help him. Then the others started making fun of him in Malay, because they know he doesn't understand. After I scolded them, they started saying I was showing off, like I have perfect english or something. Atleast i'm trying to help him o_o wtf is wrong with you then? So basically I had the whole room against me. Do you not see how bad this looks? What do other people think of our country? Another piece of land filled with angry ignorant people who choose to follow than to think?

ARGH I'm so pissed off just thinking about this! >_<

Oh yeah, what's up with 20+ guys picking up girls in chatrooms anyway? And I mean like, young girls. REALLY YOUNG. Even as young as 13. Dude, they're THIRTEEN. They've barely hit puberty and YOU'RE asking for their ym? How gatal is that? Don't you have a life? Oh and if one girl MIRACULOUSLY denies giving you her attention, you call them sombong. If she doesn't want to tell you where she lives, you call her sombong. She doesn't want to give you her msn/ym, you call her sombong. If she didn't even SEE that you typed her name over and over calling her because of how fast the room is going, you call her sombong.

Hahaha, and you call yourselves open-minded. Open-minded for anything that gets you high sure eh? You'll pretend to help, but you just want to join in actually. Dirty perverts.

Why can't you people accept that everybody makes mistakes and that it's your job to help them in any way you can? Giving them the cold shoulder doesn't help, acting like they're scum that you'll come to when you feel like it, then leave them there because they're pengaruh you or something. Ugh you people make me sick sick SICK. Melayu tidak boleh ke?

Anyway, this is a post purely for ranting. Don't read it if you don't want to, but if you've gotten this far, you must've read the whole thing lol.

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