Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse: Instant worry.

I...i'm afraid i've become obsessed with Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun (the latter not existing yet, but i've read a bit about it, and i'm still obsessed)

I haven't actually read Eclipse yet. Rachel's copy is still there on the bench, right where I left it, staring at me. I can't read it yet, not after how much Twilight and New Moon has made me neglect my homework and chores and...uh living like a normal human xD been cooped up in my room all day lately just reading and reading and reading, refusing to shower or have any human contact at all. It's scary.

I didn't go to school today (Sab's going to yell at me for this) because I accidentally fell asleep in front of the computer after reading about Midnight Sun and completely forgot about my homework and other miscellaneous duties I was supposed to do. So I woke up this morning to mom knocking on my door trying to wake me up for school. I made a face lol and she asked me if I got any sleep yesterday. I said no (which is true, because I really didn't get any sleep. It's partly my body's fault too. It's that time of the month) and she said that I was right, the books aren't good for me. xD

Considering the fact that I have free time today, I continue to feed my obsession by going to websites about Twilight 8D. So far, i've watched the trailer, read about Stephenie's view on the movie, the blog, took a look at some pictures from behind the scenes, and an actual scene from the movie, and I have to say something:

There is something immensely wrong with Edward's hair.

It looks so dry. NO NO NO. This can't be! It's supposed to be lustrous and uh..flowy like. And I hate how Bella reminds me of Michelle Ryan (that actress from Bionic Woman) because I dislike that show. I don't really hate the show, it's just annoying. It's like...she's so gatal. Or something like that. Haha @ trailer. Bella looks so scared she's talking so fast.

Bella: How old are you?
Edward: ...81. I'm a pedophile.

Lolololol. xD

Um. But I have to say the eye candy is incredible for this movie >_>; -crawls into a dark corner-

Ah..must resist from reading. Sabs, bring those books to school. I think i'll buy them. Before that though, please somebody chop my hands off so that I can't pick up Eclipse right now and start reading. It's frustrating and I feel so guilty but it's so good.

*suddenly remembers what Sab said about anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening* xD

I'll say this one is immoral. I also now have the urge to draw vampires and stuffz. Goth is not working for me.


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