Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's kinda sad when you think about it

about how school work has driven us to copying your friend's work, rather than really concentrating on it due to the amount of homework you have. xD It's like, each person takes a subject to do, then everyone else copies (not in our case though, we mostly copy from Rachel xDD sorry Rach).

I know this sounds like a bad excuse for my laziness *cough* but it's true isn't it. Every day there will always be SOMETHING that we can't finish. Be it an essay, or add math homework ;_;

Ah. I kinda like the idea of going to school to just study and not have any homework. Free periods are fun, plus you get that school atmosphere that just puts you in the mood to study unlike at home where you have the tv, laptop, unlimited internet access and parents who watch movies like 3 times a week. DDD:


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