Friday, July 24, 2009


"Oh, so you're one of those people."

Lol, I can't count the times that sentence has crossed my mind. It's getting more frequent now, too. Idk why, but nowadays i'm quite judgemental whenever I meet strangers or happen to be looking at a person's blog/facebook/twitter/profile. It's like, everyone can be categorized into SOMETHING. The vain, the smartass, the popular, the timid one, teacher's helper, the loud one etc.

But usually this only lasts for a few seconds. Once I get to talk or meet the person, my opinion of them usually changes. Usually.

So I always keep in mind that you can't ever really get to know a person until you've talked to them, and by talk I don't mean through msn or comments on facebook. I mean like, face-to-face talking. Cause expressions count. Yes yes, call me a hypocrite cause I talk to so many people from other countries online, but you guys know that online friends are online friends. That's that. Regardless if they want to *cough* convert for me or whatever.

Not to fret, though. The friends that I want in life, I already have. So if people find this habit of mine annoying (even though I won't show it, and i'll talk to you anyway, and it's probably something everyone does, and i'll probably think you're pretty cool once I get to know you)

then you guys can suck it.

Note: I just watched a huge tree get cut down. Ooo.
Other note: Buah cempedak di luar pagar, goreng plz goreng. Cempedak goreng = omnomnom

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