Thursday, October 9, 2008


What is the point of trying to diet when your lunch consists of a Grilled Chicken Foldover with McShaker Fries and a coke? D:

I can't help it. I love food.

I also realize that when i'm really sad/depressed, only food helps. The soothing tastes of...well anything I love eating lol, would take me away from the pain. And I realized this especially yesterday, when I saw a video on youtube. It's called 'Dear Stephanie, I love you'. Haha, it's so cute. This guy made a song for his girlfriend, and it looks so sweet.

I am now currently in that 'ohmygodhighschoolisalmostoverwheredidthetimego' D: mood. I'm nearly 16 (countdown: 21 days) and then my Form 4 year is over. Then it's Form 5, SPM, and i'm out.

No more waking up at 6 am.

No more long car rides to school.

No more nasi lemak.

No more gossiping, sembang kosong, pujuk cikgu takmau kelas.


I'm going to miss all that, even though I ponteng school a lot. Lol. But then again, having something you can ponteng from is part of my childhood experience. Always fun. I know when I start working I can't do these kinds of things anymore.

Hm. Other topic.

I wonder if people think religion is the 'safe side' in life. It's like you either choose to be faithful to your agama, or live on the wild side. Perhaps it's only in Islam that you come to this important decision.

Would living my life to the fullest, include jeopardizing my beliefs?

Some people say i'm really religious. You have no idea how wrong you are.

How really, really wrong you are.

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