Saturday, June 28, 2008


Well, if any of you have been to my friendster page recently, you'd know that I said a major change is coming up.

I...i've gotten sick of it. SICK. OF. IT.

I don't know, maybe it's a phase. But i'm currently bored of it. : |
Bored of all the teenagers that go on it expecting to be taken seriously when tHey sp$LL liKe tHis
bored of all the girls taking pictures from way above as if people are spying on them when you can actually see their arm extending out of the frame,
bored of guys with their mat rempit pictures and collars,
again, bored of Malaysian girls, looking so um..slutty. e_e
bored of people with photoshopped pictures, some are cute, some are stupid
bored of people who think they're so handsome, hot, cute
bored of people who think they're so handsome, hot, cute, and DON'T admit it but take a million pictures anyway
bored of people taking pictures with the same damn pose
bored of people taking pictures trying to show something, and yet you only see one thing: their face

"oh here's the hotel we stayed in" but all you see is their face looking at the camera and only 10% of the picture is actually the hotel wall.

I mean, what's the point? Ugh.

Another thing, I don't get all the extended haha's and hehe's. It's like hahahahahahAhahaha, and hehheheheeheeeeee, and hiehihihihihihihihi.

Wakakakakakakakakaka is not fine either. There's a limit to this when it comes to talking with me, I assure you.

Of course, I won't say anything. I never will

Another ranting post, great. I'm not pointing fingers here, this a general thing.

But then again, what else do we teenagers have? |:

You see people saying they hate hypocrites yet they don't know what the word means when you ask them. Good God. D:

I'm not deleting friendster, it's a good way to contact others. I'm just going to..empty it. Maybe keep only one photo for future reference. Like as in when people find my dead body somewhere and they can find the profile and go 'oh, that's what she looks like before she got mutilated'

Please, someone take me out of my horrible mood. Must need more sleep.


I blame ramasamy entirely for this. Even though he has nothing to do with this.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where for art thou biscuits?!

Lolol. So I guess who I ran into today at Tesco EXTRA?

None other than Mr.C

Buying biscuits.


It's so weird seeing your teacher act normal out of school (as been said by many other students). ;[
It's like..."aren't you supposed to be at home reading books or something?"

Then I remember that my parents are also lecturers and they also lead normal lives.

Anyway, I walked up to him and said "sir?" and he's like "whoa, lucky I came alone".

xD I was lost at the time, 'cause I went to the toilet and my parents didn't wait for me. I was looking for them. Lo and behold! I met Mr.C instead. Anyway, when I finally DID catch up with my mother, I pointed out Mr.C to her and she's like "Ohhh, patutla suka"




No way jose. And then mom's like "I can see because you're blushing" which is so not true. I was not blushing. Ew, I don't blush at math teachers. :[ But I can't wait to tell Maz that I met Mr.C again. Hahahahahaha >: D

Speaking about teachers, dude, can you imagine if like, some bad guy/penjahat came into our Physics lab threatening everybody and Pn. Ling started to do kung fu with all the apparatus in there?

Srsly, think about it. It'd look so cool.

And I don't know why today Sabrena felt gatal-ish. Poor Kelly. xD

Hm..what else to blog about.

I got nothing. -_-;

Oh, here's something i've been meaning to ask people; In Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest...that..whatever that guy's name is that's supposed to marry Elizabeth. In the earlier part it shows Elizabeth when she was still a child (or maybe like around 12-14?) and that guy was like.. I dunno. 20+? Ew. And they planned to get married in the future? o_o

Or am I just being paranoid.

Or maybe because back then age didn't really matter.


Well I guess that's all for now. Maybe I should find something to talk about in my next blog other than uh..teachers.

Monday, June 23, 2008


This is for the people who tough it out everyday doing what they don't like

because they know all their sacrifices will be worthwhile someday

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dead animals.

I realize that I am indeed, a cruel and horrible person.
This is because:
1) I actually took a picture of a dead cicak.
2) I used a DEAD butterfly (which amazingly still has its shape) and took pictures of it.
3) I recall the time when my fish was actually left under my book shelf to die and I didn't realize it until 2 months later.

Yep, there is a special place in hell for people like me. I'm so sorry :[

Anyway, long time no update. Considering that i'm here in my mom's office with this keyboard that I love tapping so much because it makes such a nice noise and let's see how long I can make this sentence go but anyway yeah I really like this keyboard tap tap tap : D i'll post today and make a long-ass post for everyone (consisting of Sabs and Meep only) to read.

Let us first talk about school. It's been exactly 12 days since school reopened. I say, the new schedule semi-sucks. And the teachers keep changing like dunnowat. Exam results turned out okay, i'm quite happy with it. 11 A1's and 2 A2's. Not like I can do anything about it now lol, considering that some of the teachers didn't discuss the paper with us. Oh well, towel. And Mr. Pho- wait, wtf. Why is there chilli sauce on my donut? THIS IS MADNESS!

*throws away donut*

Anyway, about Mr.Phong. We get him as our new Modern Math teacher. Haha, unfortunately no one can replace Mr.Chong. Good God their names are only one letter different. Can't believe I just realized that. I'm so slow D; oh and Mr.P likes to move around a lot lol. It almost looks like he's dancing. At one point my brain just shut off every sound and started playing music the whole while I was watching Mr.P teach. It was like he was dancing to the music. ROFL.

Books. Novels. Why aren't I reading more? Lately it seems like I don't want to read any stories incase I get carried away and neglect my homework. In the end the homework gets neglected anyway

Ahaha, what else? Let's see. I just read something about girls making a pact to get pregnant? What the hell? Is this some sort of new trend or something? And they got some homeless guy to help them uh... fertilize their eggs. Lol. I quote, "we finally have someone who will love us unconditionally" or something. I'm sure that diaper is filled with chocolate that's just bursting with unconditional love for their 16 year old mothers. :D

Also, there's this story about a boy being eaten by his own mother. Eee. Sabs i'll tell you this at school if you haven't already read about it. e_e

Random comment: Talking to Mr.C is like talking to a celebrity. One mention of him and people are like 'WHAT? WHAT DID HE SAY?!' Lol. So funneh xD

*sigh* I'm currently in a horrible mood. I keep thinking about how life is going too fast. This is probably because today was the last piano lesson i'll have with my cousin. She's going to UIA (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa) and i'll be left alone or possibly grouped with a stranger. Soon Alia will go to uni, then me. Then one by one we'll get married, have our own kids, then they'll go to school, high school, uni, get married and i'll get grandchildren..then we'll all one by one "gugur". :( I keep thinking about the days where we all played sad. >_>;

*does not want to think about it anymore*

Atleast i'll get to make muffins tomorrow. ^_^

That's all for now I guess. You guys will get tired reading. xD
Bye bye. <3

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Half the people I know do not believe in God.
Half the people I know, are not happy.

This is what's missing in your life. Something you will never understand. Shut up and stop gloating about how great your life is. It's not, and you know it.

Yet you do not understand how foolish you look. Do you really think you're that nice of a person? Guess what, you're not. You have no right to laugh at others, when you complain to me about your weaknesses.

I consider myself lucky to be born and raised this way. Saves me a lot of time to seek peace at heart. Sure, I did not have to go through what you did, and tbh that's the only thing keeping me from slapping you in the face :| hard.


Anyway, you're all doomed. Your own attitude will be your cause of death. I'm so lucky to be raised a Malaysian. e_e I hate it when you people just prove me right and show me how low you can get. Geez.

On a lighter note! The trip to queensbay for meep's birthday was fun :D which reminds me, meep don't use that as an actual keychain. It'll swing swing then break lol. ONLY FOR DECORATIVE PURPOSES WHICH REQUIRES NO MOTION D:

ohz, I was watching that video on meep's blog about the noodle competition between panda and sabs+su su. I got hungry lol D; . That's the first time I ever stepped into Sushi King ^__^ coloured water ftw.

The cake was nice, tasted like kuih lapis lol. No offence but I still like su su's cookies better. They're better than mine for God's sakes. xD and I can't believe panda actually ate that cookie I gave him even after it was dropped on the floor. Sorry lol >_> Haha, the arcade was fun. Plus it took me like half an hour to convince meep to play the piano for me D; people were staring xD

So the holidays are almost over. I shall be spending the rest of mine at Bukit Merah. Sorry Sabs I can't go to ichibanzai D; I do want to though. But I can't have my cake and eat it too.

Let's see..what else. Oh, I haven't done any homework at all. Didn't even practice my piano or anything. Been sleeping at 5 am and waking up at 12 pm xD eee, my sleeping cycle is ruined.

Well this is all I can think of to talk about right now. I am in quite a bad mood thanks to a certain someone. But, he's a good friend. So i'll just have to get over it. Haha @ Justin trying to make me feel better though. ;o



Oh and kudos to Sabs for the cbox :D haha ily tyvm.