Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sabs made threatening phone calls to me so that i'll update my blog. I don't wanna die.

So here's what i've been up to for the last few weeks 8D

Spent Hari Raya Korban at Kuala Kangsar, pretty interesting. Loads of events happened. Most of which had nothing to do with raya lol.

First, I fell off a motorcycle. Twice. Got some bruises for a few weeks, a...kinda gross slash across my knee, and a bleeding hand. But that was all, wasn't so bad. First time I fell, I blame my cousin. You see, he's 12. He demanded that I let him take the motorcycle alone. Of course, being the "responsible" (or, person-who-does-not-want-to-get-her-ass-kicked-by-boy's-mother
-for-not-taking-care-of-him) I didn't let him.

He locked me out of the house.

Fortunately though, one door was unlocked. So I came in and tried to pujuk him to eat lunch. I was hungry I could eat...rice. Anyway, he wouldn't budge. So I told him that he can only ride the motorcycle if he was with me, or my other cousin Alia (who just finished SPM). He just got up and took the keys and told me to go with him.

Long story short, we met the next door neighbour's kids, my uncle. Yeah, uncle and aunt still in primary school. >_> Anyway, they're used to riding the motorcycle in the kampung (don't be shocked Sabs loads of people can ride a motorcycle before 12, particularly Malays. Mat rempits lol.) They drove really fast. My cousin being the idiot-naive-12-year-old-but-I-don't-blame-him-for-his-childishness kid, tried to catch up with them. He drove too fast and couldn't turn a corner, so he ended up driving the front tyre into a hole. He fell, I fell, the motorcycle tipped over. He didn't suffer any damage. I on the other hand, did some ninja rolls in mid air bit so that I wouldn't crush him. So I got the bruises and the scratches and the bleeding D:

Second time is purely my fault. I was driving, and you know how kampung roads are really small. I was trying to move to the side so that a car can pass through. Unfortunately, I didn't check properly and ended up driving onto tanah merah. Wet tanah merah. We slipped and fell onto some leeches. Eugh.

The scratch turned into a slash lol.

Well, other than that, I went to see the cows being korban'd. Actually, while my grandfather was cutting the neck of the cow, everyone was facing the cow. I think I was the only one to face the wall ._. I can't stand blood.

Oh, did I mention that while riding with my cousins, 4 people on motorcycles thought we wanted to race. God, stupid kids. I said no, and was pretty pissed off that they kept following us. Two of them tried to spit at us, one pulled my tudung and then gave me the finger while driving off. They looked like budak sekolah rendah. SERIOUSLY. Jerks.

I chased after them and attempted to kick their motorcycle while driving. Serious action bebeh.

I'm kinda glad that I didn't hit them though, cause if I did I would've knocked over their motorcycle and they would've suffered some serious damage.


Other than that I spent a night at my cousin's house, few nights at Paradise beach resort while perving on cute international students from Dalat school while wishing that Sabs would come visit bringing binoculars, then a few nights in KL.

Tis' all, i'll update moar later.

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