Saturday, May 2, 2009

Piano lessons and practical exam D:

Lately i've been having trouble playing. I dunno why, my hands just don't feel energetic or in the mood to play. I sound so malas and leceh 8D like I'd just drop my hands halfway and walk off. My exam is in June-August, and to make matters worse, my clavi doesn't sound right. The notes always come out sounding muffled. Maybe too much dust but I have no idea how to clean it xD my dad and I tried taking a screwdriver to pop the cover open, but it won't budge unless we plan on scratching my clavi -_-

And today during my piano class, for the first time, teacher asked me to do the Aural test. I'm like..'wtf? I dunno what to do' xD cause she's never briefed me about it before. So the whole time, she kept screaming 'What's wrong with you? I dunno lahh' at me cause I kept messing up stuff -.-; although i've grown used to it. She gets nicer when you've known her for a long time. The other girl in my class though, the chinese girl who's taking grade 1 exam, is constantly scolded in chinese. I don't understand any part of it but it sounds rough. Poor girl xD

Oh, Raja plays the violin. Grade 5. HOW CAN WE NOT KNOW THIS, RAJA?! You should so come to school with your violin one day and play for us :D

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