Saturday, March 14, 2009


Lol. Went for tennis club meeting today which I thought was at school D: I should've checked the board yesterday. My mom had to drive me around for half an hour to find the proper place xD ah, and there was only 4 people there excluding the teacher. Ivy is an incredibly patient girl D: I kept hitting the ball sideways, up, to the back, missing it...almost everything except hitting it towards her lolol. And I feel sorry for Kaveta's sister for having me as a partner in double's xD

Then straight after that I had to go for piano class. The original plan was to go to my cousin's house and take a shower there, but apparently they balik kampung. So mom said I'll have to bathe at her office toilet. And I did. o_o Hahaha D: improvisation.

After piano class, went to a kenduri. They gave this cute bunga telur with purple glittery pineapples : DDD but I got the red flower instead. Damn. And when I was lining up to get the food, the two guys who were supposed to cedok the lauk were really blur, and they gave so little xD I was standing there, thinking they'd give more ._. but they just stared at me lol. Moving on.

So after that I just relaxed the whole day. Now it's 10:41 pm.

about 10 minutes ago, I realized that I actually have bio tuition today from 8-10 pm xD

ah, holiday mood.

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