Thursday, April 2, 2009


Homg. FINALLY. Science and Math week is almost over. The worst part is over. Thank God D: was getting so stressed out and tired. Time to relax and get some sleep. (don't remind me of the amount of homework i'm supposed to catch up on, pl0x) The game seemed like a hit, a lot of people wanted to play. It gives me a headache though, the amount of stuff I have to keep track of for the players xD Going to take crap load of pics tomorrow, and bringing my laptop again. D:

Darn you, Pineapple schoooooooool! *waves fist*

I still wanna learn how to design a better blog template : ( I feel so uninspired to blog when I see my blog xD for...some reason. Well not realleh. I just want a pretty blog 8D with cats!

Well, bored now. Syariz isn't replying. Gaygaygay @__@

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