Friday, June 5, 2009


It's amazing isn't it, how certain movies can make you feel. Movies that open the mind, or make you feel happy and giddy, or movies that make you want to fall in love, blah blah blah.

But then again, it's not just movies. It's everything. From what colour the walls of your room are to the sounds you hear, to the smells you smell. The book you are reading, the music you're hearing, the perfume you are wearing.

And I think it's amazing, absolutely amazing, because these things make me feel alive and human. ALIVE AND HUMAN.

And i love it. One day I hope that I too will have the ability to inspire others, or to evoke something in people's hearts and minds, make them see what I see and make them feel what I want them to feel. It's one of the greatest things you can experience.

I love it.

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