Thursday, June 4, 2009

Perasaan people. xD

Recalling a funneh incident that happened a few months ago, when my parents' department was holding a Family Day.We were each given a room, and my mom was in charge of providing each family with their own room. However, my mom managed to book my family 2 rooms, one for my mom and my dad, and one for my bro and me. xDDD loool cheaters.

Anyway, we were both chillaxing in our own rooms, watching...Bad Boys II I think o_o and there was a scene where Will Smith was showing off his abs and muscles or something.

My bro: Kenapa badan Will Smith macam badan abang?
Me: MANA ADA. Perasaan. -continuous laughter for 5 minutes, then smacks bro's belly like jelly-

2 minutes later, during a commercial, dad walks into our room using that interconnecting door thing.

My dad: Kenapa badan Will Smith macam badan bapa?
Me: ...


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