Monday, August 24, 2009

Taiping trip. (21/8/2009)

Last school field trip before SPM. It was funnn xD but not as fun without Sabs k. Or Kelly. Or Amelia. Yea that's right you guys left me alone on the trip (well not really, I stuck to Aida and Alia like a parasite xD).

SO this will be quite a long post about that day since there's a lot to talk about ;0 and many many pictures. Brace yourself.

NOTE: There will an album on facebook for the other pictures. I took like 200 pics.
Morning - 7:35 am
Reached school, mom and dad were fussing about the drop-off. They wanted me to ask if the bus driver can drop me off at Juru Shell station, but teacher looked busy so I decided to ask later, and then text my mom. Yeah. I asked when we were in Taman Tasik, and she said okay, as long as my parents will be there waiting for me. (There's a mini story about this, lawl).

We got our breakfast which was this really spicy mee goreng ~_~ but ate it anyway cause we were hungreh.

SGGS students in the bus either sleeping/talking/cam-whoring/dancing (srsly)

First stop - Kayu Arang factory
I'm going to call it that cause I totally forgot where it was and what it was actually called. It's near a river (duh, easier to get bakau) and it's got a gorgeoussss view. :D

The place was huge. And this is one of the "dapur bakar" which apparently takes skill to build cause it's hard to make one without having the centre of thing runtuh, making the whole structure crumble down, lol.

Greeted by the penyelia (guy with shirt) and the owner of the place (guy with no shirt).

The place was originally his father's, and the passed down to his brother, and now it's his.

The dapur bakar is BIG and they had like 7 of them there. We went into one, it felt like a little hut/sauna xD Lemme explain how they make the kayu arang. Ohoho, this is going to be an educational post.

First they chop off the wood from the treeees. They only take what's needed, as in when a tree is mature enough, they only cut off about 5 metres I think, and then when it grows back, 6 metres, and so on until they just take the whole tree, and replant.

They're then cut into sizable logs, and stacked into the dapur bakar. The wood isn't burnt, it's only heated under high temperatures for one month. Any longer than that, the wood will turn into ash or 'arang ringan' and will be sold for a cheaper price. Cheaper price = less profit.

The wood are constantly burnt 24/7. They can tell what stage it is in by sniffing the smoke (we did this, we got high, man :'D) or, for those who don't have the years of experience, just poke through the small hole at the bottom and look. There are two doors or holes on the dapur bakar, one in front and another at the back. After a while, the back door is sealed. A few weeks after that, the front door is sealed, cutting off the oxygen supply completely, and thus putting out the flame. This is why they need to keep on tearing down and building new dapur bakars, cause after 5 years or so it starts to crack and won't work properly anymore (oxygen can still go through, flame won't go out etc.)

90% bakau, 10% other kinds of kayu. They get like RM5000 profit me thinks.

I'm sure you guys are familiar with kayu arang. LOLOMGWTFBBQ
Hello peoplez who are living a life of contentment. ;D Pn. NorAzian gave the kids some duit raya, lol. So nice of her.

Left at around 10 am.

Next stop - MUZIUM PERAK

It was cool. Not sure if Sabs would've liked it though, full of exotic animals, er- stuffed. Real dead animals. The funny thing was that we were going to go see the live versions later on at the zoo. o_o

Specially for Sabs cause she wanted a picture of an elephant.

It's an elephant's skull. :D

Didn't realize a tapir is THAT BIG xD Nina acting as scale reference.

I asked Aida to take these for me, lol. Posing like the aminals behind meh. D:< style="text-align: center;">
"How's it goin'?"

Lol @ everyone leaving me, Najwa, Nina and Bahirah while we were taking pics with the huge welcome sign. We were like 'BAS NAK PERGI DAH' and ran towards it. ;_; Moving onnn.

On the way there we picked up some lunch (kfc, pre-ordered and packed in individual packs :D) I've never seen so much chicken in my life. It's crazy. Anyway, we were allowed to go sit anywhere we like at taman tasik to have our lunch. Teacher even gave us some newspaper to put on the ground and have like a little picnic. Out of everyone though, only my group (Me, Aida, Alia, Najwa, Nina & Bahirah) ate on the ground. Everyone else chose a pondok instead.

Then... that's when it happened.

So we were all eating away happily when suddenly, Alia goes 'oh'. We all look in her direction. It was a monkey. A harmless-looking monkey D: we ignored it and continued eating. It started walking towards us though, well, circling us more like. It got closer and when it was right behind me, we all freaked out, got up and ran. xD The bad part though is that we only took whatever was in our hand atm (which of course, was kfc chicken >_>;) and left our bags with the monkey. Me being the idiot that I am grabbed my water bottle instead of Ian.

yes ladies, Ian was with the monkey D:

I turned back to try and shoo it away, but it put down the tissue pack and screeched and gave me that angry look monkeys give you when you make eye contact D:> and started chasing after me. So I ran off lol. Aida and I were just watching from a distance, hoping that Ian was too heavy for it to carry away. Omg RM5000 man.

Teacher didn't come and help us at all xD of course the logical solution was to just wait for it to go away, but IAN! IAAANNNN. So after a while some old dude that was sitting by the lake took this really huge stick and started walking towards the monkey. That scared it away I think. It took my coleslaw. I was like "keep it" cause I don't like veggies anyway. xD

We packed up our stuff and moved. Ate our chikin next to the teachers, lol. Got so paranoid after that.

TO THE ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. We rode the train :D Aida, Alia and I were left behind to take the second train though, cause there wasn't enough space on the first one. A whole train to ourselves xD whooo. (well for the first few minutes anyway, we picked up some hitchhikers along the way D<) We didn't really have enough time, so after the train ride we just walked around. Ah, funny stories of killer monkeys come to mind. I'll just tell you guys at school.
Hello real elephants :D

and awesome swans.

oh and this camel that tried to mengorat Alia, lolol.

KITTY! It rawr'd at me so I ran off after taking the pic D:
2:30 p.m. ride home.
After the zoo, we left. Left kinda early too just in case. Would've loved more time to walk around though, we didn't get to see everything up close (also the monkeys' fault). I reminded teacher about my whole drop-off thing, and she told me to remind the driver to stop when we're at Juru. "That's fine", I thought.

Although, I didn't really expect to fall asleep on the way back xD I managed to stay awake just fine the first half hour. Alia woke me up and everyone was like "sapa turun kat sini?". Turns out we already arrived at Shell Juru, so I quickly got off the bus lol. Apparently my mom had to stop the bus by waving her arms around like a mad woman because the bus didn't look like it was slowing down. xD Forgot to remind the driver. But...I thought teacher had already told the driver |: wouldn't he have remembered anyway?

Ah lol. Nvm.

After that ate at Nasi Kandar and went home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeept. xD That's about it. I bought stuff for you guys, you'll get it after hols k?

Trip was fun. :)

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