Thursday, October 8, 2009

Read this somewhere, again quoting something I like.

"However, I shall depart a small nugget of somewhat philosophical wisdom: What if it is not God that makes this horrible things happen, but Satan?
Or that it's not God that is doing a fucking awful job of stopping them from happening, but us giving into the bad things and paying the price?
God gives us a choice, maybe it's just that our choices have a great amount of impact on the world, so even if it is one douchebag fucking things over and not paying the price, he's fucking up others.
It's not fair, but Satan is a mysterious and dangerous being. And goddamn sexy, too. None of this goaty pitchfork wielding fuckwit; you wouldn't give in to temptation if it wasn't good lookin'."

Idk about you, but makes sense to me.

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