Friday, October 2, 2009

What's distracting me? - Part 3

So we're back. In the previous previous post I explained how it felt like to be emotionless. |: yesterday I had a conversation with Syariz about this whole issue. I think...something I realized (again, because I know i've realized this over and over but I keep forgetting) is that faith is something important.

Faith is that magic we feel.

To not feel any emotion is to not engage in the world around you. That might be easy for the people over there (lol i'm talking about Americans) cause...y'know. There isn't much of a culture. Not like in Malaysia. There's too much culture here, too many feelings to feel.

You can't just throw it all away when it's being thrown AT you everyday. Like I said on fb, why deny the obvious just because it's obvious? Just because the answer seems so clear, crisp and finely drawn and cut out for you to see, why must we deny it because we're afraid to be labelled as a 'follower' not an independent being?

Call it social brainwashing if you want. It's just something I can't live without.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i somehow am proud because my name is hereeee :D